Finding a niche with definition of beauty

5 Feb

How often do we look in a magazine or on a banner, a poster or watch a TV spot and think: Wow this model looks amazing. This well-proportioned body, this fresh-looking teint, the smooth skin. How do they do that? Did mother nature just bless them with this beauty? Or should I just use tons of the product they are advertising for? Continue reading

The famous “Wedding Shoe Shop”

3 Feb

Well, Wedding is actually not famous for great shopping locations or the hippest styles. However I wanted to write about a very special store I really like in my neighborhood. Continue reading

Primark in Berlin?

1 Feb

In fact, I usually write for the beyond belief blog, but this week I would like to contribute an article for this fancy fashion blog.

All the fashionistas know the Irish clothing chain Primark and most of them try to book their annual holiday at least close to one of them. As a matter of fact, it is not even that hard to do so, because Primark just opened their 200th store last year. Until now, the clothing retailer is represented by stores in Ireland, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and three stores in Germany. Now rumors begin to spread out that Primark might also launch another store in Berlin – good news?

Do we actually want this store in Berlin?

I bet that many people are looking forward to a Primark store in Berlin, but I also wanted to know what my friends and classmates think, therefore I asked a few of them about their Primark experience.

Lea B. from the anything fancy blog immediately replied that she did not like the huge Primark store in London, because she felt that it was too crowded and pretty dirty. Moreover she realized that nobody respected the cloth and everybody just pulled it behind oneself on the ground.

When I told my friend Mia about the rumors, she just got annoyed and said “Fine then, so I can cancel my flight to London now or what!?”

My other friends Milena, who also writes for the beyond belief blog, and Kristin agree that Primark would not be the same, if we have one in Berlin as well. It would be nothing special anymore, nothing you can look forward to. It would just be like every other H&M or Zara and everybody is going to wear it.

In contrast to that Nadja would warmly welcome a new store in Berlin. She actually has never been there, but she likes the style of the clothes for such a bargain.

During my research I realized that people even think about what to wear when they know they will enter a Primark. It is not because they have to look good, it is more because it practical. Primark is known for long queues in front of the changing rooms, therefore people tend to wear chemise under their clothes and maybe even a skirt and leggings, because it makes it easier to try on the new stuff in between the aisles without getting naked.

Will a Primark store in Berlin achieve sustained success or will it just lose its uniqueness in Germany? Do we really need another Primark store here or would online shopping be enough?

Creating Your Own

31 Jan

The last couple weeks I wrote about negative aspects in fashion business. But besides all these children who are practically forced to be little fashion addicts there are also children who live fashion and have the chance to develop their own style without being pressured by their parents. Continue reading

What is fashion anyway?

31 Jan

As this is going to be my last post, at least for now – how knows what’s going to happen – I decided to give a personal statement about not only what I think about fashion but more what an important impact fashion seems to have on society, also looking at how it is an essential feature in business and how the blog posting on the whole topic extended my horizon to what fashion actually is. Continue reading

The Story of a Young and Successful Designer and Some Business Students

27 Jan

As far as I have seen the fashion show of Lena Hoschek and because of Lisa’s suggestion I thought it could be interesting to research about her success story. Continue reading

Dancing queen

25 Jan

Last Saturday my mom and me went to a dancing tournament on which a childhood friend of mine took part at. She started ballroom dancing about 13years ago and takes part on tournaments for about 6 years now. One year ago she was asked if she wanted to dance in a ballroom dance formation. It means 8 dance couples move completely synchronously and in a creative choreography combine different dances (waltz, fox trott, tango…) and different figures. Continue reading